ESCsystems Hoża 86, lok. 410, 00-682 WARSZAWA
+48 603 443 789

Electronic Software Control Systems


Enjoy the best 
design and functionality 
connected together

Constructions  producing  by  ESCsystems  has  allowed our contractors to minimize their and the time needed to implement new products.


Specializations in which we are the best

We design electronic devices and components based on advanced microprocessor
technologies with the use of analog and digital circuits. We specialize in control systems, communication systems,
modules for industrial automation and systems dedicated to security systems.

Design and implementation         of electronic circuits

The main specialization of the ESCsystems brand is the design of specialized electronic systems for the most important companies in Poland specializing in optoelectronics, satellite navigation and agriculture.

ESCsystems - computer science

Development of desktop and mobile applications

Design and development of desktop software
and mobile for dedicated IT solutions for the most demanding customers in the European Union.

Designing SMART

Designed intelligent systems will be used both in small houses and in industrial buildings. Developed devices
based on the latest technical and technological developments.

Main areas of activity

Agriculture Precise

Intelligent controllers, controller, modules are designed at the individual request of customers according to the indicated standards, EU standards.

Navigation Satellite

Production of own developments of miniature satellite navigation modules integrated with inertial sensors – IMU.

and image processing

Our optoelectronics solutions integrated with specialized software make life easier.